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KEYS Mentoring (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success)
KEYS sparks hope and transforms lives one student, one mentor at a time.
Now Accepting NEW mentors! Apply HERE
Offered at every campus at every grade level, the KEYS Mentor Program’s primary focus is on relationship building, rather than tutoring. Teachers, counselors and school administrators identify students who are good candidates for the program, while Katy ISD Partners in Education recruits mentors from the community.
KEYS mentors come from varied backgrounds, experiences and age groups. Each has a heart for students and a willingness to volunteer. Each KEYS mentor must make a one school year commitment to the program, apply and pass the same criminal background check used for Katy ISD employees and attend a campus orientation. Mentors are placed with a student by the KEYS campus liaison who will support and supervise the relationship. Mentors and their mentees meet each week on campus in an open, monitored environment such as the library.
Steps to Become a KEYS Mentor• Review, understand and agree to KEYS Mentor Expectations.
• Complete KEYS Mentoring Application and pass the required background check.
• Complete the district-required volunteer registration process and create your volunteer profile.
• Complete the KEYS 101 mentor training.
• Commit to mentor your student one hour each week, during regular school hours, for one school year.For any questions, please contact Cydney Wright.
KEYS Mentor Program
Cydney Wright
KEYS Videos
KEYS Kids SayMentor Resources
KEYS Mentor Training
Parent Resource
KEYS Events