• Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) reports and Data

    What's Required

    Performance-Based Monitoring staff reports annually on the performance of school districts and charter schools in selected program areas (Bilingual Education/English as a Second Language, Career and Technical Education, Special Education, and Title I programs).  The Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) data is reported at district, region, and state levels.  PBM staff also provides this data as downloadable data files.  The PBMAS Manuals are comprehensive technical resources designed to explain each year's PBMAS indicators and reports:

    Current PBMAS special education indicators include:

    1. STAAR 3-8 passing rate
    2. Year After Exit STARR 3-8 passing rate
    3. STAAR EOC passing rate
    4. STAAR Alt 2 participation rate
    5. Regular early childhood program rate (ages 3-5)
    6. Regular class > 80% rate (ages 6-11)
    7. Regular class < 40% (ages 6-11)
    8. Regular class > 80% rate (ages 12-21)
    9. Regular class < 40% (ages 12-21)
    10. Annual dropout rate (grades 7-12)
    11. RHSP/DAP diploma rate
    12. Graduation rate
    13. African American representation
    14. Hispanic representation
    15. LEP representation
    16. Discretionary DAEP placements
    17. Discretionary ISS (in school suspension) placements
    18. Discretionary OSS (out of school suspension) placements

    What We Do

    The Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) data is used to guide systemic planning initiatives within the district in relationship to special education services and supports.

    District Reports 

    Retrieve a PBMAS district report either by district name or by county-district number.

    Data Download 

    Downloadable data files are intended for use by technical users. These files provide the data values reported on the PBMAS district reports for each monitoring year.

    Region Reports 

    Retrieve a PBMAS region report and the corresponding PBMAS Region Report Explanation document.

    State Reports 

    Retrieve the annual PBMAS state report and the corresponding PBMAS State Report Explanation document.


    Legal Framework - Region 18

    The Parent's Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process