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      District Announcements


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        Katy Virtual School Registration for spring courses is open.   

        Katy Virtual School (KVS) online classes allow secondary students to acquire graduation credits and/or expand their learning opportunities through paid, online high school credit courses during the summer and school year. The cost is $200 per semester per course with reduced or no fees for students identified as economically disadvantaged. KVS offers over 60 approved College Board Advanced Placement (AP), Katy Advanced Program (KAP) and academic level courses.  Visit our website for more details on courses offered and how to apply: or email   

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      • 2024-2025 STAAR TESTING UPDATES  

        Katy ISD STAAR testing calendar will offer campuses a 3-day testing window to administer state testing for specific content areas.  One day is designated for STAAR Science (5/8), Social Studies (8), and Algebra I at the high school level.  Campuses will choose their testing dates and grade levels based on the Katy ISD testing windows, which are aligned with the state testing windows.  Specific STAAR testing days by campus will be posted to Katy ISD Research, Assessment, and Accountability website in mid-fall.  

        For the 2024-2025 school year, STAAR testing will be administered online. Only students who qualify for a special administration will be allowed to be tested using a paper format.  

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        If you selected YES for the CLASS 1:1 Device Insurance Option for your student’s Chromebook device, all student fees, including the device insurance fee, were sent to our Pay N’ Go system for payment on August 12th.    

        Please note, this only applies to students in 3rd – 12th grades.   

        For further information, please visit our Pay N’ Go website or for more detailed documentation, please view this Pay N’ Go Student Fee article.  If you would like to change your device insurance selection from NO to YES, please email with your student’s Katy ID, name and campus and we will update your insurance option from NO to YES.   

        Please note, you are only eligible to make this change and pay in full, 30 days after your student’s first day of attendance. 

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        District charge policy allows students without meal money to receive the menu meal choice for a limited time with the expectation the parent will reimburse all meals charged.    

        Parents will be alerted when their child charges for a meal by receiving a courtesy call and/or email through the district automated call out system, if the district parent information is correct and up to date. Parents are responsible for monitoring the amount of money in their child’s account and paying back any borrowed money in a timely manner. If a student owes money on his/her account, he/she will be allowed to purchase snacks and/or a la carte only with cash in hand for that purchase, or once the student’s negative account is paid in full and funds are available to cover additional purchases.    

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