About Us
School Colors: Green and White
School Mascot: Alligator
School Theme: And so the Adventure BeginsMayde Creek Elementary is a vibrant, diverse and welcoming school whose success is founded on the teamwork of children, parents, faculty, staff, community members and business partners. Everyone strives for excellence each day as children are nurtured in physical, intellectual, emotional and social realms.
Mission Statement
Make a difference.
Choose to be
Excellent and unique.
Curriculum, Programs and Activities
The renowned Katy ISD curriculum provides a strong foundation for goals centered on high academic achievement, which are couched in the development of positive self-concepts. Children are motivated to participate in a wide variety of pursuits. Read, Deed, Run is one example of a program that provides opportunities for simultaneously building academic/intellectual, social and physical abilities. The lovely library boasts many special programs (incentives to interact with engaging literature, author visits, etc.), all geared toward creating lifelong readers. Math/Science Night, Reading Night, and academic tutoring outside of regular school hours and school musicals are among the numerous offerings for children that reveal the dedication of faculty members to go above and beyond, the devotion of parents supporting school endeavors, and the eagerness of children to learn and make friends.
PTA and Volunteers
MCE is proud to have a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) which provides special events for families to enjoy and financial support to further student success. The KEYS (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) is a highly productive program at our school. The CAT (Campus Advisory Team) takes an active leadership role in planning for MCE student success. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed at MCE!
Innovation abounds at Mayde Creek Elementary (MCE), and technology integration for learning is evident throughout the school. Each school day begins with GBC (Gator Broadcasting Company) presentations of the pledges to the U. S. and Texas flags, announcements and recognitions. All classrooms have SMART panels and document cameras, in addition to the school computer labs supporting learning across the curriculum. Each third through fifth grade classroom has a Chromebook cart, and each Kindergarten through second grade classroom has a classroom set of iPads, giving faculty and students abundant avenues for acquiring knowledge and practicing skills. Parents are kept informed of school happenings via School Messenger, which is delivered through email or phone messaging.
Recognition and Encouragement
Although terrific team work is a constant at MCE, care is taken to also recognize and encourage individual achievements. One example of this is the POD celebrations that take place once a grading period. A ‘pod’ is a gathering of young alligators, and the MCE mascot is the gator. A POD (Practicing Outstanding Determination) celebration gives teachers the chance to recognize in a student assembly one student per class who exhibits behavioral or academic determination to succeed at high levels. Children receive an award lanyard and have pictures with the principals displayed in the main hallway.