• MCTC Clinic

    The MCTC clinic is a fully functional clinic and provides the same services as home campus clinics such as assessing sick students, providing first aid, attending to emergencies and administering medication.

    It is our pleasure to partner with you on the health of your child at school!

    Clinic Hours

    Our hours are 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. Please feel free to contact us during these hours, as needed.

    Change in Medical and Contact Information

    Please notify the MCTC nurse in addition to the home campus nurse if your child has a change in their medical history. It is important that our records are up to date to best assist your child in the clinic. It is also important to keep contact information, phone numbers, and emergency contacts current. 

    Medication Policy

    Students are not allowed to be in possession of prescription or non-prescription medications during school hours or at school-sponsored or school-related activities, on or off campus.  Medications can be stored and dispensed by the nurse if they are received in the original non-expired container and accompanied by the appropriate Medication Administration form.

    Only students with Diabetes, Asthma, or Anaphylaxis may possess and self - administer their prescription medication while on school property. All required paperwork must be completed and on file in the school clinic. 

    Controlled medications must be brought and picked up by parents/guardians.

    Natural and /homeopathic-like products not FDA approved cannot be dispensed in school clinics by school personnel.

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

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