Parent Resources
Check out our Dyslexia Page!
KAty ISD Parent Information about Dyslexia/Dysgraphia
"Dressed for Success" - KISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct
Online Registration
Online registration is available!
Car rider Pick-up Reminder
If your child is a car-rider, please remember the following:
- Have your car number tag clearly displayed on the front window (not dashboard).
- Do not block driveways at high school. High school parents need to be able to get in and out of the parking lots.
- Do not start lining up until after 3:00 pm. The junior high and high school traffic needs access on Maverick Way.
Absolutely NO car-rider pick-ups in front of the front of school.
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Grades On-Line (Home Access Center)
Did you know that you can check your child's grade online? You can see every single grade that your child earns the moment that the teacher enters it into her/his grade book.
It's called Home Access Center (HAC) and it's easy to use. If you have misplaced your log-in information, just come up to the front office, show your ID, and we can print out a letter with your password. Click on the sidebar link to access the Home Access Center.
Katy ISD is sharing information about the state, district and your child’s campus as part of our obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). An information letter, along with a copy of the 2016-17 Federal Report Cards for the State, district and our campus are available for your review in the front office of our school, or online at or at
NOTE: An optional notification letter in English and Spanish is available if you choose to use this method of communicating. This is not a requirement. It is not necessary to send the Federal Report Card home with students.
Link to the Federal Report Cards for the State, district, and campus:
Link to general information about NCLB reporting requirements and the sample notification letter (English and Spanish versions):