MRE Clinic

  • Questions / Change in Medical and Contact Information

    Feel free to contact the school nurse with any concerns or questions.

    Please ensure that the school nurse is updated with any changes to your child’s medical information. Remember to ensure that the school has correct and updated phone numbers where you can be reached; and that you have added emergency contacts to your child’s enrollment information card.

    Thank you. ​​​

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration


  • If there is a​​​​ need for medical resources such as vision care, medical supplies, medication please contact the campus nurse for assistance.

    COVID-19 Info:
    Click here for information about your child's return to school: English Spanish

    Important Details
    Please keep in mind that KISD has a 24-hour rule regarding fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Keep your student home until they are free of any of these symptoms for 24 hours.

    This is a NUT RESTRICTED school, not nut free. This means that students cannot have any type of peanut, cashew, almond, or any type of nut for a CLASSROOM snack. At lunch time, it is different as they are grouped into sections for food allergies. Parents, please remember not to send a NUT snack. If a nut snack is sent to a student, they may not eat it in the classroom.

    Lice continues to be an ongoing problem. We no longer complete classroom checks for this. We only check students who are symptomatic. If a student is found to have live lice, they will be sent home to be treated. Once they are treated and have no live lice in their hair, they may return to school. If they have nits only, they do not have to be sent home, but parents will be notified so the student can be treated.

    Vision and Hearing Screenings are done in the Fall of each year for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades.



Contact Us

  • Upcoming person, RN
    Phone: (281) 234-0326
    Fax: (281) 644-1686 ​
    Email: xxx

    Jazmine Silva, Clinic Aide
    Phone: (281) 234-0335