Building Capacity

Parental involvement is a crucial component in the education of children because it enhances student achievement and helps create a positive school environment. It is important that both the school and the parents build a strong working partnership and share in the responsibility of working towards student progress. Our School-Parent Compact is a voluntary agreement and a promise of commitment between the parents and the school. With this agreement, Hutsell Elementary promises to provide high-quality instruction with a standards-based curriculum for each child and to be taught by highly qualified teachers. We also promise to communicate with parents frequently and encourage volunteer efforts from parents. We ask parents to agree to send their child to school regularly and on time, as well as make sure that homework is completed. We would also like for parents to volunteer whenever possible and to stay informed on their child's education. Many parents expressed that the easiest way to increase communication is through email. Staff email addresses are located on the KATYISD website. Parents and teachers are encouraged to exchange email addresses at the beginning of the school year. This will help keep parents informed of their child's progress, upcoming meetings/conferences, and parental involvement activities.  Research shows that children do better in school when parents communicate on a regular basis with teachers and become involved in the school and education of their child.  If there are any questions about a child's education, the curriculum, and/or grade level objectives, you can always visit the Katy Independent School District website or the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website