
  • Katy ISD will be using PowerSchool Registration, an easy to use, online registration system for new student registration. A new student is defined as new to Katy ISD and having never attended a school in Katy ISD, or a previous Katy ISD student who is re-enrolling.​



    Ensure that your child arrives at school on time.  The school day begins promptly at 7:50. Students may be dropped off between 7:30 a.m. and 7:48 a.m.  Your child is never tardy when they ride the bus. If your child arrives after our 9:00 a.m. attendance time, they will be counted absent for the day. If you would like for your child to eat breakfast at school be sure to bring them early. Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 7:50. Afterwards, they will be counted tardy in class.


    Please, CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE (281-237-5400) IN THE MORNING EACH DAY OF YOUR CHILDS ABSENCE to report why they will not be in school.  Please send a note, preferably a doctor's note, when your child returns to school. If you do not call or send a note, your child will be marked UNEXCUSED.  AN ATTENDANCE LETTER IS SENT WHEN A STUDENT HAS 3 OR MORE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IN A 4 WEEK PERIOD.

    If your child misses more than 5 consecutive days, the district does require a doctor's excuse.​

    It is a good idea to send a DOCTOR'S NOTE WHENEVER POSSIBLE to avoid your child having too many personal illness absences.



    If your child is checked out before 9:20, they will be absent.  However, if you take them to see a doctor and send the doctor's note back that afternoon (if they are returning) or the next day, the absence is cleared and will show as an excused partial day.

    Any student that is checked out after 9:30 will have a partial day absence.  Please send the doctor note the next day.

    NOTE: An exemplary attendance recognition will not be earned if a student has 5 or more TOTAL tardies and / or early check-outs, regardless if the reason is excused or unexcused.



    If your child is checked out before 9:30, they will be absent.  However, if you take them to see a doctor and send the doctor's note back that afternoon (if they are returning) or the next day, the absence is cleared and will show as an excused partial day.

    Any student that is checked out after 9:30 will have a partial day absence.  Please send the doctor note the next day.



    Please plan your vacation during the summer, Thanksgiving, winter, or spring breaks.  All absences for vacation during the school year are UNEXCUSED.  Please send a note to the principal prior to the vacation date indicating the dates your child will be absent and the nature of the acknowledged (unexcused) absence.

Contact Us

  • Ashley Lucas

    Sundown Elementary Registrar

    P: 281-237-6081

    F: 281-644-1610