Online Absence Reporting Form

  • Attendance Office 

    • Contact the Attendance Clerk ---- Claudine Napiany:
      • Email:   Contact 
      • Office phone number:  (281) 237-7300
      • Fax number:  (281) 644-1640



    If a student is absent for any reason, a parent or guardian must report the reason for absence to the Attendance Office. This can be done via phone, email, note, doctor’s note, or by completing the online attendance reporting form.

    All absences are considered unexcused until the parent/guardian has contacted attendance and any required documentation is received by the attendance office.

    Doctor Note Required/Failure to Attend Letters - When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds 5 consecutive days or a total of 8 days, the student shall present an original “doctor’s excuse” for any additional absences due to illness. For this reason, it is best to provide a doctor's note whenever possible.