About Hayes Elementary
Hayes students SOAR: Succeed in lifelong learning; Open doors to meet challenges; Achieve in academics; Respect themselves and their world.
Classrooms at JHE are self-contained in grades PK-2nd; teaming begins in grade 3rd grade. The instructional curriculum at JHE is challenging and meets the needs of each individual student. Guided reading and small group instruction are a regular part of the reading curriculum. Math, science, and social studies are designed to allow students real world connections with hands-on experiences. Writing across the curriculum allows students to develop writing skills in many formats. The staff studies data together to address areas of strength and areas needing improvement. Students receive additional differentiation of curriculum in the regular classroom and through a variety of programs.
Challenge serves identified gifted and talented students in grades 1-5. Qualifying Challenge students in each grade level are pulled for a day of specialized instruction during the week.
Art, Music and PE programs are offered on a rotation schedule. An active library program allows students to have interactive lessons and check out books on a weekly basis. They also have the opportunity to meet with visiting authors several times during the year and participate in incentive programs such as the Texas Bluebonnet Award.
Our ESL department serves English language learners as they strengthen their skills. Co-teach models and in-class support is used in many areas of instruction to broaden instruction for diverse learners by having multiple educators in one classroom. Academic support is available for students at risk of failure. Hayes also has a pre-kindergarten program. Students may qualify for this program based on language needs or income. JHE serves as a life skills cluster for several surrounding schools.
A highly supportive PTA and parent volunteer program bring community resources to Hayes. Parents participate in instruction by volunteering to assist in programs like Junior Achievement and Celebrate Science. In partnership with PTA, JHE has developed exemplary curriculum supports like the Literacy Library, Science Lab and Math Resource Library. PTA funds help to underwrite staff development opportunities for teachers, playground and physical education equipment, and a "wish list" allocation that helps each teacher provide materials for curriculum enhancement.
Parent involvement is encouraged through a wide variety of activities. Math and Science Night, "Reading Restaurant" for first grade, musical programs in second, fourth and fifth grades, International Night, and a Family Art Night are just a few of the activities that allow teachers and students to share learning with parents. Business partners also participate in instructional and mentoring programs at JHE.