
  • Screen​​​ings  
    All students new to the school who did not attend a Texas school previously will be screened within 120 days of enrollment. If the child has failed any of the screenings, the nurse will contact the parents of the child and a referral notice for a professional exam will be sent home.

    7th graders are screened annually for vision and hearing. Also, any student who did not attend a Texas school previously may also be screened. Parents will be contacted by the campus nurse if their child has failed the screening and a referral for a professional exam will be sent home.

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

Contact Us

  • Emily Kilbride, RN, Nurse
    Phone: (281) 237-6825
    Fax: (281) 644-1646

    Martha Angeles, Nurse's Aide
    Phone: (281) 237-6809