• Counseling Programs and Services

  • Guidance Lessons

    I teach meaningful, engaging guidance lessons in all classrooms focusing on a wide range of topics such as bullying, emotional regulation, and friendship skills in order to support students' academic, social, and emotional success. Lessons are tailored to meet the needs of each grade level. 


  • Small Group Counseling

    Groups are offered every year based on need. These student support groups are short-term and goal focused. Students learn strategies that will help them be successful in and out of the classroom. Small group topics might include understanding and managing anxiety, emotional regulation, and friendship skills. 

  • Individual Counseling

    I provide short-term, individualized counseling to meet the mental health and behavioral needs of my students. My main focus is addressing problems that impede success within the school environment. I also recognize and respond to students who have experienced trauma or who are in a state of crisis. If a student requires ongoing, long-term support, I refer the family to community agencies and resources.

  • PALS

    PALS stands for Peer Assistance and Leadership. This is a mentoring program in which selected SLHS students visit with SSE students weekly on our campus to play games and build relationships. 

  • KEYS Mentoring

    KEYS stands for Keep Encouraging Youth Towards Success. The KISD KEYS program matches caring adults with students. The primary focus is on relationship building as opposed to tutoring.