• Programs Offered


      The following are some of the programs/activities offered and coordinated by the MCJH Counseling team.

      Character Strong

      Character Strong creates a school culture that embodies a child’s social emotional and character development simultaneously. The vertically aligned lessons and activities are research-based and teach Responsible Decision-Making, Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management,  and Relationship Skills.  During the school year, we will focus on the following key character traits: responsibility, kindness, respect, creativity, perseverance, courage, honesty,  empathy, gratitude, and cooperation. The students' academic success will be positively affected by supporting social emotional health as well as building relationships and preparing students for the future.  


      National Bullying Prevention Month

      This month consists of videos and lessons to educate students about bullying.


      Red Ribbon Week 

      This week consists of activities provided to promote drug prevention.


      Classroom Counselor Lessons

      Lessons are provided on a variety of topics including respect, responsibility, friendship, trustworthiness, honesty, courage, honor, forgiveness, and others.


      Individual Counseling

      This is designed to help students resolve and cope constructively with problems that affect learning at school.


      Referrals to Outside Community Resources

      These are available upon request from a parent or MCJH staff.