Students who unintentionally bring to school a prohibited item which is not illegal, may turn in the item to a staff member without disciplinary consequences if this is done before the item is discovered or reported by a staff member or another student. This option applies only to the first time the prohibited item is accidentally brought to school. The second time the prohibited item is brought to school, the item will be confiscated, and the student disciplined according to the type of item brought to school. Parents/ guardians may pick up confiscated items which are not illegal within two school days. Items not picked up within two school days will be discarded. Illegal items and items designated as evidence will be turned over to the Katy ISD police.  

Students shall not possess or use:  

  • Fireworks of any kind, smoke or stink bombs, or any other pyrotechnic device 

  • A razor, box cutter, chain or any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person 

  • A gun of any kind 

  • A toy gun/“look-alike” weapon 

  • An air gun or BB gun 

  • Ammunition of any kind 

  • A stun gun 

  • Mace or pepper spray 

  • Pornographic material or items 

  • Tobacco products, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and any component, part or accessory for an e-cigarette device or accessory to vaping 

  • Devices designed to emit an electrical shock (such as a TASER)